Case Study - TasFoods Limited (ASX:TFL)

April 9, 2022

TasFoods Limited (ASX:TFL) processes, maufactures and sells and sells Tasmanian-made food products in Australia, mainly operating through its Dairy and Poultry Segments. It offers poultry meat products under Nichols Poultry as well as fresh wasabi stems and powdered wasabi. The company also provides fresh milk, cheese, cream, butter, and fresh fermented products under the Meander Valley Dairy, Pyengana Dairy, Real Milk, Betta Milk, and Tassie Taste brands as well as marketing its products through online stores and website, to both Tasmanian and Mainland Australian markets.

Key Investment Highlights:

  • New Strategic Focus - Four key pillars to ensure the Company can leverage its competitive advantage and realise its potential as a leading branded premium produce group: Home-grown advantage, target mainland markets, adjacent expansion and centre of excellence
  • Quality Brand Portfolio - TasFood's brand portfolio includes renowned Tasmanian brands that meet a diverse range of consumer foods/needs in the dairy, poultry and wasabi
  • New Management - TasFoods has appointed Scott Hadley as CEO and Shona Croucher as CFO, who both bring significant experience having previously worked with global brands

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